Mediterranean cuisine on the table, the one that with few, good ingredients puts flavors and aromas in the plate.
Today a Quick Recipe a First Course made with dried tomatoes, salted capers, anchovies and toasted breadcrumbs, extra virgin olive oil, some aromatic herbs, and an excellent Senatore Cappelli Pasta.
Ingredients for 2 people:
170 g of Senatore Cappelli macaroni
6/7 dried tomatoes
6/7 salted capers
3 anchovy fillets in oil
wholemeal breadcrumbs
1 clove of garlic
1 sprig of rosemary and 1 sage leaf
dried oregano
a few stalks of chives
1 bay leaf
Bring a pot of water to boil.
Soak the capers and dried tomatoes for 15/20 minutes. Squeeze them well and dab with parchment paper.
Chop the rosemary and add it to the dried oregano, also chop the capers and dried tomatoes; in a non-stick frying pan, sauté the skinless garlic with the chopped mixture, the bay leaf and sage and a handful of the herb mix. After a few minutes, add the anchovy fillets and mix. Add a little hot water and cook over medium-low heat for a couple of minutes.
Salt the water when it boils and once the salt is dissolved throw the pasta.
Put very little oil in a non-stick pan and add the breadcrumbs, leave to toast, stirring often for about a couple of minutes.
When the pasta is ready, turn the heat back on under the sauce, add a couple of tablespoons of water and add the pasta. Stir well.
Serve with ground pepper, toasted breadcrumbs, a sprinkling of oregano and rosemary and fresh chives.
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